Martial Arts Resilience Training (M.A.R.T)
M.A.R.T is designed for schools and other youth services and can be tailor made to meet the needs of the service/individuals taking part. The courses can run from one off hourly sessions through to half term weekly sessions or a week course.
The program combines martial arts with educational activities and reflective exercises such as self-defense, personal safety awareness, de-escalation skills and self reflective practice. Part of this includes an exercise booklet (M.A.R.T tasks) which requires the individual to reflect on their own behavior, thoughts, feelings and abilities. This booklet focus's on specific areas such as personal reflection (one page profiles), personal development (outcome stars), respect, reliability etc. It would encompass a variety of exercises and questions that can be answered in varying format i.e. words/pictures.
As part of the course, individuals will receive rewards such as certificates and badges and upon completion of a long course (minimum of 6 hours) they will receive their first Muay Thai band. Information will also be provided on how they could continue Muay Thai if they wish.
The program is designed to engage with individuals to help them better understand ways to identify and pro-actively manage their own negative emotions and interactions with others. They would also be able to work on developing key skills such as concentration, discipline, respect and positive social interactions.
Our main target audience are individuals who may be struggling with areas of their daily lives such as; those with disabilities, emotional disorders, confidence issues, victims of bullying or abuse, but it is open to and beneficial for all.
The long term outcome of this would be that the individuals would gain a better understanding of their own negative emotional triggers and how to recognize and manage them more effectively and safely. The individuals would also gain a more positive outlook and belief in themselves thus gaining confidence and self motivation.